Friday, May 17, 2013

Android Studio: Dark Theme Setting

At Google I/O 2013, I seen an awesome IDE.  Android Studio was on display and it looked amazing.  So as soon as I could, I started to search the internet to download it.  I found it at  After I finished installing it, it took a bit to get it running.  Apparently Google wasn't kidding when they said it was an early preview.  I had to add an environment variable to my system settings.  Not too difficult, but for those of you who need help with it.  I made a tutorial on How to install Android Studio on Windows 7.  Since this was the second tutorial I had ever made, I was surprised to see how many hits it got.  Not often does a YouTube Noob like myself get over 1000 hits on their 2nd tutorial video.

Eventually, I started to get a bunch of questions on how to change the appearance to the theme that Google used.  So, made a really quick tutorial on that too!  Android Studio: Changing Appearance - Dark Theme

Also, here is a Quick Guide to Change your Theme

Step 1 - Click Configure in the Quick Start Menu

Step 2 - Click on Settings
Step 3 - Click on Appearance Located under IDE Settings Then click the drop down list labeled theme.  Choose the Darcula Theme.  Then press Ok.

You will get a message asking you to restart Android Studio.  Simply click on Restart and your IDE will be using the same theme as the guys at Google!

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